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Home > Services > Website Maintenance/Updates

The Instant Webmaster program was developed to fill a need for small businesses who need a professionally designed website, and also need it to be regularly maintained but would rather not have the added complications of adding a full time person to the staff.

This program offers companies all the benefits of having a dedicated webmaster to handle ongoing maintenance of your new or existing website without all the red tape additional ‘on the payroll’ personnel can cause.

We guarantee 24 hour turnaround time for all revisions and work with you to make your website what you want it to be.  From marketing campaign mini-sites, adding and revising current pages, to complete site overhauls, let Infinity become your corporate webmaster.

Our Instant Webmaster program allows you to have a professional, up-to-date website for a fraction of what it would cost to have a full time webmaster on the payroll.

Want to see our program in action? Click the portfolio link to view our clients, most of which have chosen Infinity Design Studios to not only design their site, but maintain it as well. Or visit our testimonial section and hear for yourself how effective this solution can be.

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